If you want your website to rank well on Google and increase the organic traffic of the brand used on your website then you need to opt for an off-page SEO strategy. Off-page SEO will help you as a successful SEO strategy. But read more below to know what it is, why it's important, etc.
Off-page SEO refers to the strategy that plays an important role in your digital marketing strategy. It does not involve updating or publishing content on your website. There are many off-page SEO techniques such as brand building, citation building, social media, content marketing, and more that help both search engines and users understand your website better. While there are many things you can do within your site to increase your rankings, there are many methods of off-page SEO that you can do outside of your site as well. Google's algorithms help determine how to rank a page, but one of the most important factors is its popularity and authority. If other people trust your site to provide quality and real content then Google thinks they can trust your site too.
Website owners indeed work smart so they get the biggest results, but there is an external factor that affects rankings and this is where off-page SEO comes into play. Major search engines have a secret algorithm that seems to favor off-page SEO techniques, and this trend shows no signs of ending anytime soon. Search engines are determined to use people's opinions about your web pages to gauge how high your pages should rank. This is why off-page SEO is important to help increase your authority among your competitors and target audience. By focusing on off-page SEO techniques such as social media integration and natural link building, you will reap benefits such as higher rankings, increased traffic, greater brand influence for a strong social media presence, and residual business, among other benefits. Will be discussed later.
Check out these SEO benefits and you will know that each one will greatly contribute to your online marketing profits and portray your website as a voice of authority. In the eyes of search engines, when your target audience keeps referring to you on various social media platforms, you prove that your site is trusted and respected by the online community.
SERP ranking determines how high your website ranks on Google's results pages for specific keywords. The higher your rank, the more likely your target audience will see you and click on your website when performing specific searches. Done right, off-page SEO can boost your SERP ranking so you get better click-through rates.
Many people confuse SERP rankings with PageRank. Your SERP ranking is your website's overall ranking on search engine results pages. PageRank is a completely different thing. PageRank is the numerical measurement search engines give to individual web pages on your website based on the quality and number of links they have. Speaking of numerical measurements, Google assigns a ranking factor of 0-10 based on several factors that off-page SEO takes care of. It is one of the many factors that affect your site's SERPs ranking. Please keep in mind that PageRank is different from page ranking. The former indicates the rating given to a web page based on its importance and quality, while the latter indicates how high a particular page ranks for a particular keyword.
The whole purpose of off-page SEO is to increase your website's exposure and increase conversions. It will also rank your website higher and increase your chances of getting more visitors, whom you can convert into customers. By using off-page SEO to increase your page ranking, you will enjoy more exposure.
With more exposure, you expect to get more traffic. Off-page techniques such as smart link building move your website to the top result pages in search engines. Top results enjoy more than double the traffic from search engines In most cases, off-page SEO acts as the 'icing on your ranking cake'. This one advantage of off-page SEO makes it hard to ignore off-page SEO as part of your ranking strategy.
Once you start getting more traffic through social media campaigns and from other websites, you will have first-time visitors who are interested in what you have to offer. Remember that off-page SEO not only focuses on making your website look more authentic and popular but also increases your traffic sources as you get visitors from your social media pages and other websites linked to you. Visitors from these avenues may like your content and may even subscribe to your email list or bookmark your website. This means you've earned yourself a return visitor or even a customer.
Off-page SEO focuses on building a strong social media presence for your brand. When you create pages on all major social media platforms and focus on generating more engagement, more people get to know about your brand and with trust being an important factor in doing business online, you can benefit from it and thus increase your conversions. According to research on the relationship between brand awareness and sales, it was found that 57% of respondents are more inclined to do business with a brand they know and follow. This shows the importance of having a strong social media presence, which off-page SEO enables you to do. Done right, off-page SEO is a great way to increase brand awareness in search engines and cement your brand as a thought-leader in your industry. Also, it is somewhat unregulated and can play a huge role in increasing your SERP ranking. Although it requires more effort on your part, the return on investment is unmatched.