
Immigrate Your Website Without Losing Any Traffic

Immigrate Your Website Without Losing Any Traffic featured image
26 Jul 2021
Nirlep Patel
Website Development

There are many platforms to build a website and it is always good to migrate the website to other platforms to test your brand. But many people fear losing traffic while planning to migrate websites. 

Website migration is of many forms. It involves a lot of things right from rebuilding a website, moving to a different domain, merging with another site, moving to HTTPS or using a mix of other elements. 

Associating with a web development company in Bangalore can help you to make the best utilization of the resources and improve your SEO rankings as well.

  • Crawl Your Site Before The Migration

Using online tools and save the crawls for later. Making a complete list of all the URLs to ensure that nothing is lost during the transition stage. A site crawl doesn’t need to identify every single page on your site. 

For instance: If your page is not linked with other pages on your website, it won’t show in the site crawl. If you find any orphan pages on your website, make sure to update the same and link all of them during migration. 

Orphan pages are less likely to pick up the search engine traffic as they are not linked to the rest of the pages on your website. Web design companies in Bangalore can aid you to immigrate your website optimally without fear of losing traffic.

  • Identifying and Fixing Issues

Once the website is live and starts indexing, it is essential to test your website thoroughly with the help of site crawl tools and fix any prevailing issues. 

Some of the common issues that one may encounter during this stage include XML sitemap error, redirect loops, canonical errors, rogue 500 error and much more. 

Following a migration or new website launch addressing the relevant issues can be lucrative. 

  • Find and Remove Broken Pages

Removing broken pages and replacing them with the linked web pages is one of the most important things from an SEO perspective. Immigrating your website and analysing all the pages can enable one to diagnose broken or unliked pages in the website.  

  • Update Internal Links

The HTML tags in your website are referred to as internal links. If you want to ensure that your redirects are performing well and as desired update the internal links with new URLs. Having too many redirects can slow down your server and impact web traffic as well.

  • Self-Canonicalize All New Pages

The misconfiguration of the texts should be resolved with utmost agility. Availability of the service of a professional web development company in Bangalore can enable one to ensure that the tags are well-configured and in accordance with Google guidelines.

  • Resolve Duplicate Content Issues

Duplicate content and unoptimized images can not only slow down your website but affect your website traffic as well. Consult with your web designing company to solve the problem of duplicate content.

  • Checking Your Benchmarks

Work closely with your Web design company in Bangalore to monitor your website and review the website set. Booking a contingency time for the deployment and immigration of the website is highly recommended. 

Summing Up!

Migration provides one an opportunity to improve the performance of the website, encourage smooth navigation and improve the overall presentation of your website. Immigrate your website to improve the website traffic and embrace a smooth transition. 

Hire the best web development company in Bangalore to migrate your website without losing SEO essence and your precious traffic. 

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