
How Proper Planning Of Google Ads Campaign Improves Your Ad Position And Ad Rank?

How Proper Planning Of Google Ads Campaign Improves Your Ad Position And Ad Rank? featured image
28 Nov 2021
Nirlep Patel
Digital Marketing

Are you a novice in digital marketing or have become a pro at it, this blog is to shed light on some of the best benefits that you will be receiving for Ad Position and Ad Rank by setting Google Ads campaign that will help you with better click-through rates (CTR) and lower your cost-per-click (CPC).

Google Ad Rank: 

This is the ad position and where your ad is being displayed on Google’s SERP. The main pointers that Google focuses on to set the ad rank is as follows-

  • The bid amount
  • Ad quality score
  • The keyword of the person’s search
  • Impact of extensions

So, your Google Ad rank is calculated as MAX CPC Bid x Quality Score x Expected Impact of Extensions.

The benefits of Google Ad Position for your Google Ads Campaign is as follows-

  • When your ads get ranked higher, you can be certain that more CTR’s would be possible.
  • Your Ads should fulfil all your client’s requirements.
  • The more CTR, your Ad ranking would be much better.

Higher Google Ad position leads to lower CPC-

Your Google Ads Campaign would be termed a success when you get a high-quality score, a relevant ad that would properly meet your needs and also get a lower cost per click.

What if the Ad Word ranking is low?

  • Taking help from professionals is the best way to handle your poor Ad Word ranking. 
  • Some of the fixes that involve include the use of a new landing page for each ad.
  • Highlight your product benefits rather than the features for your target.
  • Focusing on keywords is also an important factor.
  • Increasing your keyword as per requirement is also important. 
  • Targeted Ads and increased budget can also play a huge role in the best benefits.

Google Ad Position:

Your Ad position matches your Ad’s placement in SERP. Your browser will give your the response on searching for specific terms. You can choose between organic and sponsored searches for additional benefits for a successful Google Ads campaign.

While organic searches are the results the search engine throws out for your company in a natural way if you have selected the best SEO practices and set relevant metrics. 

In sponsored searches, you have to pay for your ads upfront and best SEO practices for impeccable results. A maximum of 8 slots per page is available per SERP. You can place your ads in the top end, which has 4 slots or at the bottom end with 4 slots. The Ad Rank will position the placement of your sponsored sheet. Try getting the best placement (Topside 1st-position for better CTA.)

The benefit of a good Ad Position is that your Ads would have reached higher ranking positions that lead to another huge business opportunity.

Higher Google Ad Positions will help you with the following-

Increase Your ROI: 

The higher your ad position, you can be guaranteed new business from old and new customers visiting your website. 
Continue to work on your Quality Score by setting proper metrics in the Google Ads campaign to ensure that your Ad Position does not drop, which will help increase your ROI. 
You can also work with trained professionals to increase your ROI at a faster rate.

Save Your Money:

You can additionally save money by having a higher Ad Rank, which will make your content easily displayed in SERP and at a higher spot, even if you have been outbid by your competition.

What should be done if your Ad is not getting the Top Position?

Increasing your bids every week is a good short-term plan that would help increase your Ad Position. However, in the long run, you should look to improve the quality score. Aggressive spending might see your ROI being reduced, increasing your CPC.

The above pointers show how to improve the Google Ad Rank and Google Ad Position. Try improving on your Ad Rank and having them placed at the top for better service. This is because Google uses the Ad Rank formula to compare your and your competitor’s website, which eventually plays a role in Ad Position.

By building a Google Ads campaign from a reliable and professional team will get the best experience and value for money service. They will assure you of the best viewers, engaging content, and a higher CTR that would reduce your CPC. Experts from GBIM Technologies Pvt Ltd. will mainly focus on the quality score, that will offer you organic results at the best rates. Visit our website and call us on +91 9167725966 to get the best benefits at an affordable rate.

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