
All About Structured Data: Review Snippet

All About Structured Data: Review Snippet featured image
24 Sept 2020
Nirlep Patel
Structured Data

A Review Snippet is A short Section Of a much longer review or a review rating from a review website. A review is a critical appraisal of a book, movie or even a local business. Today, online reviews have a lot of power and can make or break movies, books or even businesses for that matter.

PRO TIP: The Review Snippets may appear in the form of Rich Results Or Google Knowledge Panels.

The Following content may use the Review Schema for reviewing themselves:

  1. Movies
  2. Books
  3. Course
  4. Event
  5. How To
  6. Local Business
  7. Product
  8. Recipe
  9. Software App

Google supports the below-listed content reviews using the stated schemas:

  1. Creative Works Review: CreativeWorkSeason Schema
  2. Creative Series: CreativeWorkSeries Schema
  3. Episode: Episode Schema
  4. Game: Game Schema
  5. Organization: Organization Schema
  6. Music Recordings: MusicRecording Schema
  7. Music Playlists: MusicPlaylist Schema

The Different Types Of Reviews

The review schema can be used to structure the following types of Reviews :

  1. Simple Review
  2. Nested Review
  3. Aggregate Rating
  4. Nested Aggregate Rating


  1. Add The Stated Properties
  2. Follow The Said Guidelines
  3. Validate your Data using The Rich Results Test
  4. Check The Validity using the URL Inspection Tool
  5. Submit your website’s Sitemap to let Google know about future changes related to your website.


Apart from webmaster guidelines and The General Structured data guidelines, the following Technical Guidelines have to be followed:

  1. Be sure to mark up the correct aggregate rating by going through ratings of different people.
  2. Be Specific about the said content be it Books, Recipes or a Product. It is very important to nest the review schema within the markup of another schema like Movie Schema or Book Schema, depending upon the content to be reviewed.
  3. Make sure to mark the review ratings in a correct manner and a manner easily visible to the users.
  4. Always review a specific Item and not a group or category of items. Example: Review a single romantic genre book not all the books available in the romantic genre.
  5. While using the Review Schema for a Local Business or Organisation adhere to the following guidelines:
  6. You cannot use star ratings for rating Local Businesses or organisations if you are reviewing your own local business or organisation.
  7. Ratings must be fetched directly from users.
  8. Always use the critic review structure data for structuring the review and never do it manually.
  9. Ratings must be fetched directly from users and not from other sites.


  1. Review: The Review of an item ( Book, Movie, Product, Recipe,etc.)
  2. Author: the review’s author. The name must be valid.
  3. ItemReviewed: The item to be reviewed.
  4. The name of the specific item to be reviewed.
  5. ReviewRating: The rating given to the said review. It can either be a nested rating or an aggregate rating.
  6. ReviewRating.ratingvalue: this entity holds the numerical rating for the said reviewed item. You can either use the 5-point scale where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest rating or the bestRating and worstRating scale.
  7. DatePublished: The date of the first published review in ISO 8601 date format.
  8. ReviewRating.bestRating: The highest rating value on the rating scale.
  9. ReviewRating.worstRating: The lowest rating value of the Rating scale.
  10. AggregateRating: the score or points assigned to the reviewed item. Used for user-based ratings.
  11. ItemReviewed: The item that is to be rated.
  12. The name of the specific item being reviewed.
  13. RatingCount: The total number of ratings for a specific item from your website.
  14. ReviewCount: The number of people that provided reviews for the said item. It can or cannot be accompanied by ratings.
  15. RatingValue: the numerical rating for a review.
  16. BestRating: The highest allowed value in the users rating system.
  17. worstRating: This entity contains the lowest rating allotted for the reviewed item.

Monitoring Search Results and Troubleshooting Problems:

Please refer to the previous posts of the Series to know in detail about monitoring search results and troubleshooting problems.

Checking website templates or code errors:

  1. When you notice an increase in errors in your website it might be because of using a new template or due to bad interaction between your site and the new template.
  2. If you notice a decrease of valid items in your website, this might be because you are no longer implanting structured data into your website. Always use the URL inspection tool for solving such errors.

In The next part of the All About Structured Data Series , I will talk about the Estimated Salary Markup.

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